.:SolarNET.HuB (SNH):.

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From SolarNET.HuB (SNH) we think it is necessary to recover our ability for self-organization and dream, and to stop living the future of 'others'.

For example, some eccentric billionaires dream of abandoning the planet Earth, in which they live with the rest of the “Aldea Global”, and stop contributing to the key points that are required to obtain a sustainable and respectful socio-economic development, with a minimal or no harm upon ecosystems. They want to conquer new planets with their spacecrafts, destroying the environment with their technological race and their ideas of progress (what progress? for whom? at expenses of what and who?), polluting habitats at the origin, and continue with their business without any moral or legal responsibility.

Our dream is just the opposite, we want to be on the planet Earth as until now, not living terrifyingly under the surface in a bunker, and contribute to our habitat to continue shining as alive and fascinating as always. To remain that little "pale blue dot in space" (source: Voyager 1's Pale Blue Dot).

We believe in the potential of contributing with our knowledge and care in a common aim, understanding a common as a shared need regardless of personal ideologies, for growing together “as well as possible and for all possible.” Perhaps living that shared experience, including the fact that individuals are maybe not going to see or live their contribution because it can involve long term processes of legacy from generation to generation, can be the key to grow collective local and global situated knowledge, which will surely give us a more relevant understanding about us, our environment and its inhabitants and our (real) needs as a whole, instead of current imposed and naturalized needs of consumerism and 'global progress'.

We would like to continue experimenting and discovering the great mysteries that the planet Earth hides as a whole and in each of its forms, systems, groups or cycles that make it up and which it belongs, including the outer space.

To meet this desire, we propose a LARP.

How to play

The role play proposal is voluntary, that is, you can participate whenever you want and to the extent of the character you want to play during “the game”, inside and outside our ecosystem.

  • It is free, or not obligatory.
  • It is separate (from the routine of life), occupying its own time and space.
  • It is uncertain, so that the results of play cannot be pre-determined and so that the player's initiative is involved.
  • It is unproductive in that it creates no wealth and ends as it begins.
  • It is 'governed' by agreed rules that suspend ordinary laws and behaviors and that must be followed by players.
  • It involves make-believe that confirms for players the existence of imagined realities that may be set against 'real life' … and precisely because of this, allowing to imagine new possibilities for it.

You can abandon, propose changes and add them, as long as they agree with the code of conduct.

The primary objective of the game is basic: experimenting new forms of collaboration; but it can change and increase in complexity if the inhabitants who participate agreed to it. You will always keep the ability to choose independently and consciously, and experiment with that freedom too, because responsibility is directly proportional to freedom: the rise in one results in an increase in the other, and vice versa.

For that, we have generated a series of virtual ecosystems called: The "Four Houses", with different but entangled initial objectives.

The aim is to open a place of encounter for activities, actions, groups and projects that fit in each house, so you can guide yourself on how to choose the places where you can start interacting, and to reach common goals.

The Will & The Lore

In the project network and outside its digital limits.

  • They have global objectives and local objectives.
  • They are one, they are all and are not.
  • They are the same house and they are different houses.
  • They rule the others and are ruled by the others.
  • They exist, but they do not exist.
  • They are need, but they are not need.
  • They collaborate together or separately, but always entangled with the rest of the houses.
  • They are organized and disorganized, but always acting intelligently and thinking on the rest of the houses.

The "Houses"

There are 1+8 main houses in the project network.

All the inhabitants and newly arrive begin their adventure in the house of: ACADEMIA.

In it they will receive information on how the simulation works, in addition to the claims of each house so that in enrollen with them.

The selection process will be prepared by each house individually.


The house of ACADEMIA is governed by educators, teachers, analysts, human resources, psychologists, coordinators, … and representatives of the rest of the houses. Its “mission” is to help in the process of understanding simulation, the explanation of the details and dynamics, the education in the field of activism, the selection of the appropriate house for each inhabitant and the discovery of talent. Organize, educate, teach, assimilate, discover, project, pedagogy, understanding, care, psychology. Nosce te ipsum…


The house of SolarIS is governed by rulers, bureaucrats, lawyers, politicians and diplomats, … His “weapon” is the word, laws, justice, dialogue and they are great sophists. Organize, manage, govern, diplomacy, politics, communication, social networks, disseminate, respond, languages, borders, dialectic. The word makes us human. Violence, beasts.


The house of ARRakis is governed by technophiles, engineers, scientists, Cyborgs, technicians, … His “passion” is technology and are great inventing and solving problems. Organize, invent, develop, build, maintain, repair, connect, disconnect, disassemble, provide, distribute, expand or shrink. How long do you say that it must be resolved?.


The house of TERRA.VErDE is governed by farmers, livestock, ecologists, doctors, caregivers, scientists, nutritionists, psychiatricians, … His “love” is for medicine, food, care, nature, resources and resources and mental and physical health. Organize, take care, plant, repopulate, water, air, food, health, earth, natural resources, climate. Love nature, universe and being, because we are all one.


The house of UNSYSTem is governed by chaos agents, distractors, riots, trolls, punks, … His “politics” is the organization of disorder and disorganization of order. Organize, handle and produce tactical chaos. “We do not make statements!.”


The house of DogmA is governed by thinkers, critics, writers, journalists, disseminators, essayists, philosophers, … His “strength” lies in controlling information. Philosophy, knowledge, information, language, espionage, memory, assimilation, wisdom, thought, reflection, criticism, writing, legacy, AI. “The question is not when to do it, the question is how to do it.”


The house of HeliX is governed by clowns, psychologists, influencers, disseminators, athletes, cultural agents, artistic, musicians, humorists, priests, … His “energy” is good humor, hope in objectives and human relationships quality. Entertainment, humor, memes, sports, popular activities, culture, folklore, rest, manifestations, party, ritualism, celebrations, distraction. “If you do not smile, it's not my revolution.”


The house of QuarK is governed by athletes, soldiers, ingenious, ruffians, thieves, street people, … His only “discipline” is the protection of the rest of the houses and their inhabitants. Survival, protection, defense, family, security, continuity, expansion, territory. “Without security, there is no freedom!.”


The house of HERmanDAD is governed by by architects, workers, builders, developers, investors, statistics, analyists, producers, industrialists, extractors, … His best “tool” is the construction and development of dynamic, efficient, beneficial and sustainable environments. Trade, investments, growth, sustainability, forecasts, logistics, statistics, big-data, production, industry, materials, needs. “Grow. Build. Expand!.”

The Cycles Calendar

To develop our simulation inside and outside the project network, we have generated a calendar based on: the estimated age of the sun, the duration of its phases, the number of days of 24h after the different solstices of the planet Earth and the political cycles of the different houses.

The milestones that are achieved by our community will be reflected in our cycles calendar.

For example. One day of our calendar is shown as follows: 321.3.10.hlx.2 . Or in other words: “It is day 321 of 3rd solstice of the year 10,000,000 of our Sun in its 2nd cycle of Helix's house.”

How calendar works

Here is an example of how our calendar works for planet Earth (ARR = ARRakis):

  • Days: X.1.10.ARR-1 → The days are calculated based on what takes the planet inhabited to turn 1 full around its sun.
  • Solstices: 1.X.10.ARR-1 → The solstices are calculated according to the climatic stations of the inhabited planet.
  • Solar Age: 1.1.X.ARR-1 → The age is calculated based on the estimated age of the sun on which the inhabited planet rotates.
  • House: 1.1.10.ARR-1 → The house is appointed based on who has the moment of influence at that time.
  • Cycle: 1.1.10.ARR-X → The cycle is calculated based on the number of influence iterations that the house has made so far.

Therefore, being SolarIS the house that begins the cycles of influence of our simulation, the first day of the calendar is: 1.1.10.Sol-1 . That is: “It is day 1 of the 1st solstice of 10m of our Sun in its 1st cycle of the house of Solaris.”

Finally, in case of changing the sun, the days would be modified depending on the hours and the existence of the solstices of the new habitable planet and the age of the new sun, but the cycles of influence would remain increasing.

The influence of houses

The cycles of influence allow each house to have time to, among other things: be the cover of our project network, use the media and the instruments deployed, make certain decisions of governance, etc.

The rest of the houses must respect said rotation system and prepare for their change moment.

The moments of governments of the 8 houses, on the planet Earth, is distributed equally among the 12 months that lasts 1 year (based on the Gregorian calendar). Therefore its equivalence with our cycles calendar would be as follows:

  • First iteration:
January March April May June August September October November December
  • Second iteration:
January March April May June August September October November December
  • Third iteration:
January March April May June August September October November December

And so on … until the collapse of the sun, the civilization or as long as the new horizons for humanity last …


Although each house can set its own short, medium and long term objectives, from the SolarNET.HuB (SNH) project we propose the following common objectives:

  1. Seed conservation: Collection of seeds that allow the creation and regeneration of living ecosystems.
  2. Human expansion: Obtain total harmony and sustainable balance with nature, all feelings related to love and solidarity and the historical past of humanity.
  3. Sovereignty in outer space: Launch of the first sustainable and autonomous citizen satellite.
  4. Universe: Expansion of houses throughout the universe.
  5. Very Long-Term Backup: Generation of lithium balls/disks in the form of a rosseta containing inside simple reading engravings through optics, with all the significant advances of each house, including inventions and achievements, stories where human goodness and a detailed explanation of the organizational and political form alternatives, to the capitalist system (including failed experiences), which will be distributed throughout different parts of the universe as a method to preserve the legacy of the project network.

Example of lithium ball:

Example micro-etched data side of the disk:

Think globally, act locally and universally…