SolarNET.HuB (SNH) has deployed for the project network a Public Server (PUB) called: “La Plaza”.
Its main objective is to facilitate the search for content, projects, people and groups.
It's like a Hub. Or like visiting a town square.
Once your invite code is validated, you will begin to follow the public content of other inhabitants that, like you, have sent an invitation. The rest of the inhabitants will continue to remain invisible to you.
The PUB: “La Plaza” is federated with other PUBs of the Multiverse.
This allows you to communicate and access content from outside the project network.
Simply add the invite code on your settings and press the “Accept invite” button:
The public content of the PUB: “La Plaza” can be visited from outside the project network, through the World Wide Web (aka Clearnet).
Search engines robots (web crawlers) do not index this content.
Just visit:
SolarNET.HuB (SNH) has deployed for the project network a Room server (ROOM) called: “#SNH”.
Its main objective is to facilitate the search for content, projects, people and groups.
Check here for more detailed info about it.
You can visit the statistics of our pub: “La Plaza” in:
Currently is one of the biggest PUB in the world.