.:SolarNET.HuB (SNH):.

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In the beginning of the Internet, for that generation that we had the privilege of being able to experience it from close, it was a very different scenario to the current reality. The remarkable increase in possibilities and connectivity also brought more damaging and restrictive practices.

From this state of things, we want to react and not be mere passive individuals. Because of this, we make available to the general public, in collaboration with experts and communities that are already working on it, all our knowledge and experience in different subjects, from the most complex mathematics, to contemporary critical ethical and philosophical ideas.

Kräken.LABs collective brings together working class people, architects, software engineers, hackers, lawyers, journalists, cultural critical agents, and open and free knowledge dissemination platforms, to highlight the failed architecture of the network, while providing an alternative to those connected to the Internet through the use of new techniques, protocols, connection methods and renewable energies and a critical and constructive vision of a reality that worries us: an increasingly growing digital, social, ecological, cultural and economic breach.

“It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of the Capitalism…”