Table of Contents


SolarNET.HuB (SNH) is a multi-layer project that includes, among other things, a physical object in the form of a pre-configured easy-to-use device.

Our current hardware design includes everything you need to work autonomously, safely and ecologically, and it is able to run all the software it contains, including our Operating System (created from scratch) and other applications such as: Firefox, Thunderbird, Tor and the project network.

The kit contains a required minimum components for proper operation, although it is totally expandable. When you submit your request to acquire one, you can choose if you want to start from the basic kit or from versions with more components.

List of components

Raspberry PI

SolarNET.HuB (SNH) starting prototype has worked correctly and stable with a Raspberrypi 3 model B (64-Bit kernel).

We are also researching on making it work at the Raspberrypi 4 series.

The device specifications are as follows:

PiJuice: BC7X

SolarNET.HuB (SNH) starting prototype has worked correctly and stable with a PiJuice BC7X power platform.

With this module you can keep our kit running with solar, wind and other renewable power.

The device features are as follows:

The device specifications are as follows:

PiJuice: Solar Panel

SolarNET.HuB (SNH) starting prototype has worked correctly and stable with a PiJuice Solar Panel.

We have tried different solar panels, taking into account several factors (hours of light, recharge time, processor resources, etc.) and finally we have added a 22W solar panel to the kit by default, although when you go to buy it, we will give you the option to choose others of less or greater capacity (different prices).

The device features are as follows:

The device specifications are as follows:


SolarNET.HuB (SNH) starting prototype has worked correctly and stable with the 4GB microSD card that comes by default with the Raspberry Pi.

However, if you want to expand your capacity, which is recommended, for example, if you are going to make an intensive use of the project network and you don't wat to attach other external storage devices (ex: USB Hard disk) to the kit, we can send you with your order a larger microSD card (up to 16/32/64 GB).

For our tests we have used an UHS-I MicroSD 600X of 16GB.

We have no preference for any specific model/manufacturer, so it may change.

The device specifications are as follows:

USB Cable

SolarNET.HuB (SNH) starting prototype has worked correctly and stable with the USB to USB-C cable that comes when you make an extended order (not provided by default) of the Raspberry Pi.

Also the kit comes with another similar USB cable provided by the PiJuice Solar Panel.

The cable specifications are as follows: