====== ROOM: #SNH ===== ===== Introduction ===== [[:start|SolarNET.HuB (SNH)]] has deployed for the [[:socialnet/start|project network]] a [[:socialnet/engineering#room_servers_rooms|Room server (ROOM)]] called: "**#SNH**". Its main objective is to __facilitate the search for content, projects, people and groups__. ===== How it works ===== It's like a [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hub_(network_science)|Hub]]. Or like visiting a [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_square|town square]]. ===== Joining ===== Just visit: [[https://room.solarnethub.com|https://room.solarnethub.com]] {{ :socialnet:snh-room.png?nolink |}} ===== Invite code ===== The **#SNH** room is **OPEN**. __You can create your own invitations for you and your friends__. {{ :socialnet:snh-room-invite.png?nolink |}} ===== Sign in ===== To __access your Dashboard__, click on the following link: [[https://room.solarnethub.com/login|https://room.solarnethub.com/login]] {{ :socialnet:snh-room-login.png?nolink |}} {{ :socialnet:snh-room-dashboard.png?nolink |}}