====== Slides ====== The [[https://www.krakenslab.com/|Kräken.LABs]] collective has written the following slides with an [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_formats_(alphabetical)#ODP|open format (.odp)]] and a [[:docs/licenses|free license]], with the objective of being used to support for possible explanations of the [[:start|SolarNET.HuB (SNH)]] project. * OP-Name: “**BK0-Inception**” * Meta: “**SNH: Tool for inter-personal liberation**” * Date: **06-2024** * By: **Kräken.Labs** ^ Language: __English__ / Content: __15 pages__ / Presentation time: __~20 min__ ^ | {{pdfjs 200em,400px> :community/snh_slides-2024_short_en.pdf}} | ^ Language: __English__ / Content: __34 pages__ / Presentation time: __~45 min__ ^ | {{pdfjs 200em,400px> :community/snh-slides-2024_non_en.pdf}} | ^ Language: __English__ / Content: __70 pages__ / Presentation time: __~1h 30 min__ ^ | {{pdfjs 200em,400px> :community/snh_slides-2024_long_en.pdf}} |