====== Church of Security ====== The [[community/security|Church of Security]] is as we call the group of __trusted people__ in charge of ensuring the security of any aspect of [[:start|Solar.NetHUB (SNH)]]. {{ :community:alquimia01.jpg?nolink&300 |}} It is a multidisciplinary team with high knowledge in [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_security|Computer security]], which are continuosly performing different [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penetration_test|Penetration tests]] and reviewing the [[socialnet/engineering|engineering]], looking for [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_bug|Software bugs]], hardware failures or any problems that may compromise the information, privacy or whatever possible data leak of the inhabitants who connect to the [[:socialnet/snh|project network]]. You can __report any security breach or abuse__ that you have discovered, in the following [[solarnethub@riseup.net|contact]]. ----- "//Hack your computer->Hack yourself->Hack the computer of others->Hack the planet!...//"