====== Call 4 Hackers ====== When working with an artifact as versatile as it is the [[:start|SolarNET.HuB (SNH)]], it is important to have an [[kit/overview|overview of the kit]], both [[kit/hardware|hardware]] and [[kit/software|software]] and [[kit/unboxing|look at the connectivity capabilities]] to explore all possibilities. ==== Read.me ==== * [[:docs/code_of_conduct|Code of Conduct]] * [[:docs/research|Research]] * [[:docs/technologies|Technologies]] * [[:community:repositories|Repositories]] * [[:docs/licenses|Licenses]] * [[:socialnet/start|The Project Network]] * [[:project/roadmap|Roadmap]] ==== Sharing ==== * You can **study** the [[https://solarnethub.com/kit/software#deployment|deployment of the different layers]] from an OS perspective and/or deep directly into the [[https://code.03c8.net/krakenslab/|source code]]. * You can perform some **penetration tests** following [[https://owasp.org/www-project-web-security-testing-guide/latest/3-The_OWASP_Testing_Framework/1-Penetration_Testing_Methodologies|OWASP methodology]] and [[solarnethub@riseup.net|report us your research]]. * You can spread any part of the project (website, project network, kit, etc.) **translating it** to the language of your Community. * You can contribute **making** [[community/talks|Talks & Workshops]]. * You can **contribute** with [[kit/unboxing|videos or tutorials]] and/or **attracting other inhabitants**. ==== Privacy & Security ==== * For __privacy and security related issues__ you can communicate with: [[community/security|The Church of Security]].